
Showing posts from July, 2018

Measuring steps using the ADXL335 accelerometer

In this project I will tell you how to make a simple fitness tracker (step counter) using Arduino. In this project we will be using a simple ADXL335 accelerometer to count the number of times our hand accelerates and decelerates and count it as one step. What does the ADXL335 do? The ADXL335 is a triple axis accelerometer with extremely low noise and power consumption  The and has a full sensing range of +/- 3g. It has a voltage consum ption of between  1.8 and 3.6Volts DC. The ADXL335 Materials required An Arduino uno An ADXL335 accelerometer A few male to femalejumper wires Making the Arduino connections The connections for this project are very easy. Connect the pin labelled VCC on the ADXL335 to the pin labelled A4 on the Arduino. You can also connect it to the in labelled 3.3V on the Arduino. Connect the GND on the ADXL335 to the  pin labelled A0 on the Arduino. You can also connect it eo the GND of the Ardui...

Controlling DC motors with a L298n dual h bridge motor controller

In this blog I will discuss how to control a DC motor with a L298n Motor controller. A L298n motor controller can be used to control the direction of a motor and also the speed of a DC motor. Materials required An arduino uno, Few male to male jumper wires, Few male to female jumper wires, A DC motor(in this project i used a 100rpm ,12 V motor), A l298n motor controller, A 9V battery , A Snap connector Making the Arduino connections Connect the In1 and In2 pins to pins to pins 7 and 8 on the Arduino. Connnect the ENA pin to pin number 5 on the Arduino. Connect the motor to the OUT1 and OUT2 pins located on the side of the motor controller Connect the 12V pin to the + terminal of the battery using the snap connector Connect the GND pin of the motor controller to the -terminal of the battery and the GND of the Arduino Connect the 5v pin on the motor controller to the Vin pin on the Arduino. The code T...